Vol. 15, N.º 2, TD2, (2025), Gestão de Marca de Lugar e Diplomacia Pública - Edição especial para Estados Ibero-Americanos
Simon Anholt, one of the world's leading authorities on place branding, proposes a basic methodology for developing brand strategies applied to countries and the Nation Brands Index, a study that measures and analyses the reputation of 50 states, begins this thematic do... See Edition
Vol. 15, N.º 2, TD1, (2024), Thematic dossier - Brazil-China relations: The rise of modern International Order
As a result of an institutional collaboration between the University of Macau (China), Autonoma University of Lisbon (Portugal), the Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas - UNIS-MG (Brazil), the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), and the Institute of Afri... See Edition
Vol. 15, N.º 1, TD1, (2024), Dossiê Temático - Rede Lusófona de Educação Ambiental: perspectivas de cooperação para construir respostas sociais a uma crise socioambiental global
Este dossiê temático resulta de um processo de cooperação internacional iniciado no ano de 2005, que teve por objetivo integrar educadores ambientais que atuam nos países e comunidades que compartilham a lusofonia, entre as características que marcam a sua cultura... See Edition
Vol. 14, N.º 2, TD2, (2024), Dossiê temático - Portugal e Brasil: história, presente e futuro
This thematic dossier entitled "Portugal and Brazil: history, present and future" is made up of five articles (evaluated in double blind referee) resulting from papers presented at the International Colloquium of the same name, which took place at the Universidade Autó... See Edition
Vol. 14, N.º 2, TD1, (2024), Thematic dossier - Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on East
This JANUS special issue, made up of seven articles, is entitled “Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on East Asia”. All the authors were participants in the Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau (CCCM) Annual Conferences, which are held in Lisbon in the sprin... See Edition
Vol. 14, N.º 1, TD1, (2023), Thematic dossier - European Union-China relations
This special issue offers a comprehensive analysis of the current state of European Union-China relations, bringing innovative perspectives and questions about how fast and deep the bilateral relationship is changing. The five articles featured in the volume a... See Edition
Vol. 13, N.º 2, TD1, (2022), Thematic dossier: Perspectives on China's International Presence: Strategies, Processes and Challenges
This special issue is entitled “Perspectives on China’s International Presence: Strategies, Processes and Challenges”. All the authors were participants in the Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau (CCCM) China Conferences, held annually in the spring. The first ... See Edition
200 years after the Revolution (1820-2020) – December 2021
This thematic issue of magazine addresses unprecedented problems in the historiography of the 1820 revolution. The texts were produced in the context of the commemoration of 200 Years of the Liberal Revolution, following an inter-university webinar that took p... See Edition
The Middle East. Local dynamics, regional actors, global challenges – February 2022
This special issue entitled “The Middle East: local dynamics, regional actors, global challenges” offers an original discussion on contemporary topics regarding the Middle East and its neighbouring countries. The five authors, all graduates from the Master in Intern... See Edition
International Relations and Social Networks – July 2021
This thematic dossier: International Relations and Social Networks of JANUS NET, e-journal of International Relations presents a set of thirteen scientific articles evaluated in double blind referee that were discussed at the II International Congress of Communication a... See Edition